I believe in the church!

  • I do! – I’m deeply committed to the church
  • I love the church
  • I believe it’s God’s way of doing things on earth!
  • I’m excited by the church!

Jesus said Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

In the Bible we see a church that was alive and vibrant made up of people whose lives had been revolutionised by a personal relationship with God

That was the church

But today it’s often a different story

  • Today there is no shortage of critics who take delight in caricaturing and knocking the church.
  • Television and radio have firmly established the image of the ecclesiastical eccentric,
  • of insipid little men surviving in a fantasy world of their own,
  • the quaint relics of a bygone age, and disconnected from contemporary society
  • giving answers that nobody can understand to questions nobody is asking!

Here’s a quote from one of the deeper works of literature in our home:

e.g. “Postman Pat Helps out” (used to be Christopher’s Colouring Book!) “Pat is looking for the Reverend Timms in the churchyard. Can you see the Reverend Timms?

Look! He’s behind that tombstone, picking daisies. ‘Good Morning Pat’ says the Reverend Timms. ‘I do hope you will be at the church bazaar tomorrow. The Bishop’s wife is coming to open it!’ Reverend Timms is so excited that he does not see Miss Hubbard riding by on her bicycle … Crash! Bang! Poor Miss Hubbard has fallen into a puddle. ‘I’ll telephone for the doctor’ says Pat. When Dr Gilbertson arrives, Miss Hubbard is feeling quite well. But the Reverend Timms has fainted from shock!”

(and then you colour in a picture of Rev Timms flat out on the road!)

Listen! – this is what we are feeding to our children!

  • as my son and daughter grew up I wanted to expose them to Christian leaders who were men and women of vision, of vitality, of drive, of creativity and initiative – not spineless wimps living in a fantasy world of their own!

“I will build my church” said Jesus “and the gates of hell will not overcome it”

Mtg this week of senior leaders of churches in Eastbourne. We recognised with real sadness that not every church is thriving and growing.

Here are some realities about the church that any pastor will tell you if you take him out for a coffee.

Church of Jesus Christ is an organism, not a mechanism >>>

You can’t manage it like you might manage a business!

Think of a living thing like a tree and you have a better image that a religious system

This tells us what every pastor will tell you – there are conditions under which the church thrives and conditions which prevent then from thriving.

Actually, the thriving of a church is utterly dependent on the spiritual vitality of the people who comprise the church – that’s us.

Why am I so passionate about re-preaching our core values?

  • Because our core values represent what thriving Christians look like – and, if we are willing to see them through, a thriving church.

The church of Jesus Christ is a king-dom not a club.

I’m bothered by out term church ‘membership’ – would prefer partnership because that does what it says on the tin

I Jesus our king – in every decision we take and choice we make?

Because that’s what a kingdom is! It’s the people over whom a king reigns – has his influence

Given the right conditions churches (like any organism) will always grow.

In California there is place called ‘death valley’ It’s the hottest driest place in the United states, rivalling some of the harshest deserts on the globe. But in 2004 it rained. Six inches of rain fell in a short space of time – that’s more than three times the annual rainfall. Then in spring 2005 something extraordinary happened – it sprung into bloom

Right beneath the surface were the seeds waiting for the right conditions to occur

With organic systems, if the conditions are right, life is inevitable! It happens naturally

Jesus & ‘all by itself’ >>>

I believe that these core values provide the conditions that will help Christians to thrive and therefore the church to grow.

But they don’t come without focussed effort >>>

My burden is to create the right conditions for kingdom growth to take place.

Take a school, change the conditions, give people a broader range of opportunities, a different set of expectations, cherish and value the people who put their life and soul into the place, you offer people the chance of innovating in what they do (it doesn’t always have to be done this way!)

And churches that were once dying, spring to life. People who were once disillusioned and tired, find renewal and vision for what God can do in the and the difference they can make in the world around them.

Sir Ken Robinson – “Great leaders know that the real role is no command and control, it’s climate control” Creating a climate of possibility. How can we innovate to help each of us to become more like Jesus Christ?

Churches are very easy to knock and very hard to build.


Benjamin Franklin “There are three sorts of people in the world. Those who are immovable (they don’t get it) there are people who are moveable (willing to change and be changed) and there are people who move (people who make things happen).

And if we can encourage more people to be movers, that will be a movement.

So if you find yourself constantly being cynical of the church may I suggest that the answer to your discomfort may not be in the church, it may be in the mirror!

When a church doesn’t know what it’s doing, it tries to do everything.

Some of the greatest and most effective churches in the world don’t do much sexy, trendy stuff (they do it, but ti’s a small proportion of their ministry) they focus on doing the obvious stuff – and doing it superbly well!

Some significant questions raised by this statement

Who does the building?

God has a plan – and He is determined to carry it through. “I WILL build” said Jesus.

In 18th century there was a theological movement – affecting the Anglicans – called ‘Deism’.

  • the Deist’s God was like a divine watchmaker
  • wound up the Universe – let it run down
  • He was withdrawn from human society
  • uninterested in what’s going on
  • unwilling – even unable to interfere.

That’s not the God that we see here! – He is a God of action

God takes the initiative – and we, as His people, share in that initiative

  • That’s why it is so important that we listen to Him
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

very familiar verse, but we often ignore the rest of the sentence

12 Then you will call upon me and [you will come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

This is a God with plans – and plans that involve each of us

  • One of the wonders of walking with Christ is that God desires us to be co-workers with him!
  • and nothing in his Father heart delights him more that to see his will and his plans come about through our lives!

One thing that Lord has shown us at Victoria –

  • When it comes to giving our time and money, this is not an organisational or financial issue –
  • it’s a spiritual one.
  • We’re not making impassioned pleas for effort and money

We’re saying ‘Listen to Him’ because when it comes to

  • any big decisions you face as a church
  • learning to share our faith authentically
  • using our buildings creatively and to His glory, we honestly believe that this is the way He is leading

HE does the guiding – and he can’t do it without us!

  • (well, I think he could, but he chooses not to)

What is it that Christ is building here?

of course – it’s the church

the nature of the church – a kingdom

But now we run into problems

  • when we use a word like that it carries all sorts of baggage

How many times did Jesus mention the church? Only twice! – and one of those controversial!

How come?

  • the word ‘church’ did not have ecclesiastical connotations
  • carried the idea of a group of people called to a specific purpose

e.g. Town council at Ephesus

In contrast Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God over a hundred times

many parables “The kingdom of God is like …”

  • a man who sowed good seed while his enemy sowed weeds (Matt13:24ff)
  • a mustard seed that grows out of all proportion to its original size
  • yeast that works it’s way into every nook and cranny of the dough – you’ll find Christians in every stratum of society!
  • pearl hidden in a field – it’s worth giving all I have to get it!
  • etc.

Results of the kingdom – joy!

When Jesus brought people into the reign of God he shattered Satan’s rule of suffering and death.

When this happens, there is immediately an atmosphere of joy, freedom and celebration (Isaiah prophesied it – 32 refs to joy).

Isa 35:10 … the ransomed of the LORD will return. They will enter … with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.

Isa 61:3 … [th LORD will] bestow on [those who grieve] a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

7 Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance; and so they will inherit a double portion in their land, and everlasting joy will be theirs.

  • No wonder the people ‘glorified God’ when the paralysed man leapt to his feet in amazement, picked up his stretcher and walked home! >>>
  • No wonder the seventy returned with ‘great joy’ when they saw the power of Jesus’ name to deliver people from demonic bondage >>>
  • No wonder the cripple at the beautiful gate, when healed, entered the temple ‘walking and leaping and praising God’ >>>

what kind of spiritual building is it?

a church built on solid foundations

Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it.

Few verses in scripture have been debated more than this one. The question at issue is ‘Who or what was the rock’ Jesus was referring to?

Did Jesus mean that Peter was to be the first in a long line of spiritual mentors. That’s the Roman Catholic position and has given rise to an unbroken line of celibate popes (even though Peter was himself married!)

So was the rock Peter’s statement in v16?

Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

This has been a traditional interpretation

  • the problem is that it does violence to the text – it’s not reliable exegesis!
  • there is no way – even in English- that we can reliably conclude that Peter’s statement is the object that Jesus was talking about. The grammar doesn’t let us!

So how can we get our heads round this conundrum?

  • Personally I think there’s a perfectly natural interpretation
  • … i.e. that Jesus simply said what he meant and meant what he said
  • the rock was Peter.

Just think …

  • On the day of Pentecost who explained what was going on to the crowds? Peter.
  • on whose word was their faith first founded? – Peter’s!
  • in the Jerusalem church – who was the first leader and pastor? Peter!
  • When the early church was having it’s first taste of viscous persecution to whom did they turn as a mentor? Peter (we have the two letters from Peter in the NT)

This is simply a piece of predictive prophecy

When it came to the formation of the early church – Peter was to be the rock on which it was founded – humanly speaking. [end of story – nothing about apostolic succession – that concept just isn’t there!]

it’s a church on the offensive

Gates of hell can’t stop it

  • picture of town gates familiar to disciples
  • they were used for defensive purposes
  • when under attack a village would retreat inside the walls
  • therefore this is a picture of the church on the offensive! >>>

Who lives in the building?

Jesus Christ

it’s a church In fact, the church is the physical representation of Jesus

1 Cor 12:12

1 Now about the spirituals, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant.

4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.

5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.

6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.

11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.

12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.

If you or I had been writing that we would probably have put ‘church”

But so close in Paul’s mind is the church and Christ that he scarcely sees a difference between them! They are inextricably linked!

Church is the body of Christ

  • what is your body? – the physical representation of you
  • clothes – make-up
  • so what is the church? – the physical representation of Jesus.


WYSIWYG organism >>>

E.g. Story

  • man being given a guided tour of heaven
  • huge wall – singing from behind it
  • “They’re the baptists – they like to think they’re the only ones here!

How is the master builder building his church?

God’s Holy Spirit

In [Christ] the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Ephesians 2 21-22

God – dwelling

  • e.g. … at home in -slippers – help myself to snack etc.

The presence and activity of the Spirit is indispensable before the church can ever be a place where God lives – where He is at home

So the church is more that just individual faith,

  • it’s growing together
  • it’s expressing the love and joy of the Lord together

The church can never be any more that the sum of its members!

So if you want the church to have more ..

  • life – give your life!
  • joy – express your joy!
  • love – bring your love!
  • praise – the you praise the Lord
  • commitment – you commit yourself

Then (and only then) Jesus Christ will be building His church.

Story of small boy. Father minister. “Daddy if you’d put more in …”

… to complete the picture


Listen to Jesus words when he began his ministry:

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”

The church’s message therefore must be seen as joyful good news

  • positive in its message and ministry to the world.

JB Phillips – introduction to Acts “called the young church in action”

We cannot help feeling disturbed as well as moved, for this surely is the church as it was meant to be. It is vigorous and flexible, for these were the days before it ever became fat an short of breath through prosperity, or muscle-bound by over-organisation. These men did not make “acts of faith” they believed; They did not “say their prayers”, they really prayed. They did not hold conferences on psychosomatic medicine, they simply healed the sick. But if they were uncomplicated and naive by modern standards we have to ruefully admit that they were open on the God-ward side in a way that is almost unknown today.

How desperately we need a renewal of the same God-ward openness

  • It is significant that every major renewal by the Holy Spirit has brought back something that had been lost since the early days of the church.
  • My prayer for you is that the Holy Spirit will recover here, in us something that He had in those early believers that we may have sadly lost touch with!


Lord, I thank you for speaking to me this morning

I want to be part of a church that is joyful, vibrant and relevant, and I know the church is made up of people like me.

So to do your work in the church, I know you need to work in me.

Right now, I tell you Lord that that’s OK.

Lord, I will allow you to do what you will in my own heart and life.

I will hold nothing back from you, whatever it means. In Jesus name, Amen.