preaching workshops alert 1
The seven deadly sins of preachers - How not to be a bore.

Galatians - rules or freedom?
Why did Paul begin his letter in such an unusual way? Do we live by rules or not?

18 The seven deadly sins of preachers - part 2
The seven deadly sins of preachers - How not to be a bore.

17 The seven deadly sins of preachers
The seven deadly sins of preachers - Number one is the same the world over!

Nehemiah - an unsung hero 2
How did a King's wine connoisseur become an unlikely hero in the reconstruction of ancient Jerusalem?

Nehemiah - an unsung hero 1
How did a King's wine connoisseur become an unlikely hero in the reconstruction of ancient Jerusalem?

16 Preaching that reaches the heart
How do you preach in such a way that poeple's hearts will be moved?

Ezra and spiritual renewal
Can a useless runaway ever be welcomed back?