Byte sized nuggets of teaching to help grow your faith
Stream them all from here…
Nehemeiah – an unsung hero
Teaching about this remarkable Olt Testament leader whose life and leadership still speak to us today.
Normal Christian Life
Series of shorts on the Fruit of the Spirit
Philippians – Series 1
13 segments on Philippians chapter 1
Philippians – Series 2
10 segments on Philippians chapter 2
Jesus breaks down barriers against women
Featuring an interview with Emma McPhail
A Starters’ Prayer
A prayer for anyone who wants to start (or re-start) their walk with God
10 Days in Colossians
11 segments on Paul’s letter to Colossian Christians (I know!)
Countdown to Easter
8 segments to prepare for Easter
Advent Calendar
25 daily segments for your Christmas anticipation.